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Aquapetz Photo of the Month - Aquatic Life

Hi All,

After witnessing so many good photographs, we aquapetz have decided to organize a monthly photo competition.

The possible guidelines of the contest will be -

1. The competition will be only for live aquatic species be it fishes or inverts and it can be of fresh, brackish or saltwater.

2. The participant will submit only one image per month.

3. Blurred, Out of focus images will not be entertained and will be deleted.

4. If the fish/shrimp doesn't belong to you then also you can post it with prior approval from the original owner.

5. Any image which haven't been clicked by the participant will be removed immediately.

6. Mention the species name.

7. If there is less number of participants (Less than 4) then there wont be any competition in that month and the existing images will be rolled on to the next month competition.

8. The final outcome will be decided by poll voted by aquapetz members only.

9. The participating member can be ANYONE from aquapetz family.

We would like to start this event from August onwards..

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    Poll ended at Wed May 24, 2017 11:20 am

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